Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Winding Roads

All roads lead to somewhere. All traveled paths are worn from the soles of enthusiastic individuals choosing to follow these roads to their destiny.  Whether the path be gravel, dirt, grass, or pavement,  we soldier on towards our destination.   Though the path we travel may not always be smooth, something inside of us wills us on, causing us to put one foot in front of the other, intrigued by what lies beyond our line of vision.  What is waiting for us just beyond the bend in the road?  Are you willing to see?

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Why Do You Photograph Certain Shots?

What is it about a subject or object that causes you to take out your camera capturing that moment for eternity?  Is it the way the light reflects off an object that captivates you?  Perhaps it is the pale hues in the evening sky that draw your attention.  Maybe you notice a unique looking flower or insect that will make an excellent subject for a macro photography capture.  Whatever it is that causes you to take out your camera, is something you feel has untapped potential to become a magnificent moment.

I enjoy capturing the rainbow colored sky as the sun sets.

You need to photograph things that appeal to you, keeping your eyes alert for brief moments of unique beauty.  Nature is constantly presenting perfect opportunities to capture breathtaking beauty.

An amazing display of beauty and color from the sun and light.

When searching for photography opportunities in nature, sometimes you have to alter your perspective to achieve the perfect shot.  Immerse yourself among the grass to find hidden treasures.

Gorgeous mushrooms in a circular shape dwell among blades of grass.
Vibrant colored flowers attract the attention of bees!

Sometimes we take a photograph simply because we are amazed by the simple elegance of nature.  We want to have the picture to savor that exact moment in time, allowing that memory of a place to stay forever pure and uneffected in our minds.  Those are my favorite types of captures!

The natural beauty found in a park!

Colors only Mother Nature could infuse with this degree of vibrancy!

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Yellow = Happiness

Sunny colored flowers soak up sun

The color yellow always seems to brighten up a dreary day just by the sight of the sunny hue.  Yellow adds a lightness, a sense of positivity, when one feels down.  How can a color possibly improve your mood?  I challenge you to look at a photo of a field of sunflowers and not relax at the sight.  Yellow encourages our brains to produce feel good endorphins which flood our bodies giving the sensation of happiness if only for a short time.

Cheerful pompom shaped flowers capture the eye

Perhaps the correlation between the color yellow and the brilliant sunshine have something to do with the happiness we feel upon spying objects colored completely in yellow.  Sunny days bring the opportunity to venture outdoors, enjoying activities only able to be performed outside.  When we see the bright sun shining high in the sky, we know we can venture outdoors to the limitless horizon.  We feel free and unhindered by the shackles of daily life.  So therefore the connection between the radiant sun and our sense of freedom goes hand and hand with one another.

Golden yellow sunshine glows from the sun's core

The hue of yellow brings to mind smilely faces, and bright moments in life.  Yellow is a shade that should be celebrated! I have included a poem about the positive aspects of the color that I chose to include here.


Happiness fills my heart with joy
dark clouds scatter away
sapphire sky shines brilliantly
sun appears to light the day

Opening the door to blinding light
cast from beams above
cautiously venturing out of doors
pursuing activities I love 

Light winds slightly bend flower heads
as if clamoring for attention
I construct a garland of dandelions
curling stems with intense definition

Sitting amongst yellow blossoms
helps improve my attitude
sunny flowers born from Earth are why
yellow is my favorite mood.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Painter's Palette in Petals!

Vibrant patterned petals!

Flowers bring bursts of brilliant color to the monochromatic landscape infusing it with glorious shades.  When combined together in a garden the result of mingling various varieties and colors produces a stunning initial impact to draw the eyes of passerbyers. 

Radiant red, yellow, orange, & white are interspersed in this flower garden

Macro photo seeks to enhance each minute detail when photographing flowers.  This form of photography provides viewers with in depth perspectives not always initially observed.  Petal shape and structure are clear and focused allowing individuals to observe the unique attributes of various species of flowers.  
Macro of the center of a pink hibiscus 

Different in design, and comprising a plethora of petal colors, flowers cover a spectrum of vivid shades! From pristine white to a rich burgandy, flowers serve to enhance any landscape or home.  Over the years hybrids have begun to emerge providing flowers with unique and intricate markings as well as combining new color together.

Eye-catching color combinations make these flowers contrast against the lush leaves

These hybrid flowers contain both spikes and flowers for a mixture of pretty yet pointy!

Whatever color is your favorite there's definitely a beautifully hued flower out there to delight and entice you! So in the comment section please tell me what is your favorite colored flower and type? With so many beatiful varieties its hard to choose just one!

A garden of beautiful blossoms!

Friday, August 8, 2014

Nature's Brief Beauty

Nature offers us breathtaking moments of beauty that are fleeting yet leave an indelible impression on our minds.  Have you ever admired the elegance emitted from paper thin petals soaking by sunset's receeding light?  The "veins" within the individual petals are enhanced by the brillance of sun's final rays.  The warm glow of the remaining beams of light illuminate the pastel petals producing an eye-catching show of elegance!

Take time to watch the sunset each evening to really marvel at nature's magnificence.  Admire the subtle and sometimes not too subtle colors that emerge in the sky during sunset.  Enjoy watching the sky's sapphire hue slowly deepen and grow rich with multiple shades that form a kaleidoscope of colors within a matter of moments before your eyes!  Watch in sheer amazement as the rays of the sun turn from a golden glow to encompass all the shades of the rainbow in the splayed trajectories as the sun sinks towards the horizon.  See billowing clouds of white become kissed with color and darken to encompass the sultry shades of evening.

Each night without fail, nature creates a magnificent show of beauty for us.  Often we are too busy to enjoy this stunning show, yet nature continually pulls out all the stops to attempt to captivate and astound us.  The colors at nature's disposal can't be reproduced through photos or paintings.  The hues available in nature are meant to be experienced and absorbed on a personal level.  Despite our inabilities to pay attention to the gorgeous, and momentary sparks of beauty surrounding us regularly, nature continues to persist in its day to day shows of extravegant elegance.  Attracting our attention through new color combinations and producing unique and exquisite flowers to stop us in our tracks.  Nature refuses to be ignored! We should stop a moment to take in the majestic sites and shades surrounding us daily.  Nature is continually evolving and we do not want to miss a second of the natural elegance that colors our world!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Life Isn't Black & White But Photos Are!

"Not everything is black or white".  You may have heard this phrase repeatedly throughout your lifetime.  Basically it was used to point out that there isn't always a definitive solution to every situation in life.  However in photography the incorporation of black and white photography produces additional details not initially seen by the eye.  I feel black and white photography is an effective tool to enhance shadows, highlight outlines in patterns, and bring to light elements of a scene or aspects of an object that may be overlooked. 

I present for example the first photo of benches lining the boardwalk.  The use of black and white photography allows the lines in the grain of the wood in the boardwalk to become intensified.  It captures the shadowy outlines cast by the benches, as well as shadows of objects not visible in the capture, thus adding to the viewer's visual experience.  The capture of shadows of unseen elements allows the viewer to envision the scene for themselves, creating pictures of what the additional objects must look like.  In a way black and white photography is the "imagination filter of photography". Writers use the words on a page to form a vision of the scene for the reader through descriptive imagery.  Photographers using black and white images do the same through reflections and shadows. 
The viewer must imagine the colors possible in a black and white capture.  In this way writers and photographers using black and white film captures are similar. 

A boardwalk gets enhanced in black and white

Linear lines in flower petals get enhanced

Black and white photography also ready brings out all the fine linear lines in a flower's petal creating an intense initial impact.  The delicate beauty of the shape, natural lines, and intricate details of flowers become clear and stand out as a result of using black and white photography.  The overall final effect is very dramatic and creates an artistic look for flower captures that wows your viewers.

Delicate petal outlines are highlighted

The sheer beauty created through the use of black and white photography is lovely to view.  The added bonus of the enhanced shadowy effects and artistic nature of these types of photos make the use of black and white photography something to consider when trying to evoke the viewer's imagination!

Monday, August 4, 2014

Lovely Landscapes

Sparkling shoreline of Puerto Rico

Landscape photography is similar to art, wherein the photographer recreates a capture of a specific landscape, highlighting the best features for their viewers in order to create a magical scene.  The blues of the sky and water are enhanced, making this landscape capture appealing to others. The billowing white clouds captured with a hint of color or shadowing, depending on the time of day, add a dimension of volume.  The photographer strives to expose the most beautiful aspects of the landscape to the viewer. Just as an artist paints a landscape blending colors to match the natural earthy shades using their skills to bring out reflections and shadows created by natural light.  This post is dedicated to the beauty that is found in the varied elements of the natural landscape, and how elements of shadowing, reflections, and natural blending of colors, highlights the landscapes we photograph. The finished result is beautiful pieces of photography, found from the daily view individuals have.  The beauty of the soft glow emitted from the sun, the rainbow hues found within sun trajectories, the sparkle of the water, and the sheen found on surrounding greenery and plants all can be easily overlooked.  The photographer's job is to open other's eyes to the magnificent textures and colors found in our everyday world.  Landscape photography can appear as beautiful as the most intricately painted portrait, when the photographer incorporates naturally occurring aspects into their photos.  The end result is something spectacular to view!

Beautiful evening sky
Endless blue tones of the Caribbean Ocean meet the horizon
A hidden cove of beauty in Bermuda

Golden hour down the street

A Fun Blog Quiz Link!

Do you know what makes a great blog that attracts attention and draws an audience? Are you new to the blogosphere and unsure if your blog will get followers? Does the niche you are blogging about seem like a strong topic of interest to only you or will it be enticing to others as well? Here's a fun four question quiz created by A-List Blogging to test your knowledge on what aspects create a successful blog. This is a great quiz to take especially if you are know to the blogosphere and contemplating starting your first blog. Everyone wants there blog to be seen by a multitude of followers and to create content that is interesting. This quiz will give you a nice starting off point and as a reward for doing well you are given a cute "Blogging Hero" badge to show your prowess when it comes to blog knowledge! This is a brief, fun, quiz this arms bloggers with the required skills needed to design a blog that will be interesting in topic, and appeal to the masses! The link for this four question quiz is below and the badge you receive if you score well is that happy little superhero guy at the top of this post! So what are you waiting for? Take this four question quiz and see if your blog measures up to them standards to achieve success or gain the tools required to create a first class blog if you have yet to create one of your own!

<a href="http://alistblogging.net/quiz/?utm_source=wtd-bio&utm_medium=textlink&utm_campaign=wtd-quizlink"><img src="http://alistblogging.net/wp-content/plugins/viralquizbuilder/uploads/result_images/af6f7c84d57c7512dd3d68ab0760e16d.jpeg" alt="Blog Success 2" /></a><p>Created by <a href="http://alistblogging.net">A List Blogging</a></p>

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day Begins and Ends with Colors By:Jennifer L Roche

Sunrise casts a golden glow, announcing its approach
shades of  blue intermingle amongst radiant rays
pristine puffs of white pepper the morning sky scape
Earth awakens to a kaleidoscope colored haze
Brilliant brightness is emitted from sun's central core
trajectories span splendidly through sapphire skies
enhancing landscape with prismatic precision
lessening in number as shadows arise
Shadowy silhouettes lengthen as sunset begins
pastel hues recede, darkness deepens sky's shades
vibrant hues expand encroaching upon the light
creating curls of color that fall in cascades
Sun sinks slowly into horizon's waiting arms
confident sunset will usurp its position
content to bide its time until morning light breaks
admiring the evening sunset composition
 Text Copyright: Rainbows of Happiness LLC 2014
Image Copyright: Rainbows of Happiness LLC 2014
The words and images appearing on this blog may not be copied, altered, reproduced, or distributed without the consent of the original artist.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why I Keep Going Back to Google +


   With so many options available through social media, one might wonder why i consistently frequent Google+ over the other available social media platforms.  The answer is simple - no fake fronts and genuinely honest, caring individuals who aren't just out to further themselves.  Sure not every individual I add to my circles is this way,  but a majority of this social media platform is comprised of friendly, positive individuals who are looking to connect with other like-minded individuals. 
     You may be asking, "Isn't that what all social media sites are like?"
      Sadly the response is no. While many sites begin with the purest of intentions at their conception, something happens along the way to sidetrack them from seeing this vision through to fruitition.
      The creation of intimate communities created for specific topics allow Google+ (or G+) members to connect with other individuals that share their interests.
      Regular circle shares between members allow individuals to share their posted content with a broader audience, resulting in more content exposure. 
     The key to creating lasting friendships among G+ members is to dive in with both hands.  You need to be active on G+ by plussing posts by other members, providing feedback, and adding content of your own.  This is especially essential when you first join G+.  As you continue to make your way through the "Googlesphere" you will start to find your niche.  People from all over the world use G+, and before you realize it you will have found a large group of like-minded individuals whose personalities mirror your own!  Some wonderful, caring friendships have been created between individuals who may never meet, yet they check in daily with one another to just say hi and show they care.
     I'm not saying that G+ is flawless in its creation, no social media platform is, but it does allow people with similar interest and idealologies to intermingle in one place and is always evolving in attempts to further enhance the user's experience. 
     A circle of friends spanning the globe is what G+ creates.  Friendships, networking, caring individuals? Sign me up for Google+!