Monday, August 4, 2014

A Fun Blog Quiz Link!

Do you know what makes a great blog that attracts attention and draws an audience? Are you new to the blogosphere and unsure if your blog will get followers? Does the niche you are blogging about seem like a strong topic of interest to only you or will it be enticing to others as well? Here's a fun four question quiz created by A-List Blogging to test your knowledge on what aspects create a successful blog. This is a great quiz to take especially if you are know to the blogosphere and contemplating starting your first blog. Everyone wants there blog to be seen by a multitude of followers and to create content that is interesting. This quiz will give you a nice starting off point and as a reward for doing well you are given a cute "Blogging Hero" badge to show your prowess when it comes to blog knowledge! This is a brief, fun, quiz this arms bloggers with the required skills needed to design a blog that will be interesting in topic, and appeal to the masses! The link for this four question quiz is below and the badge you receive if you score well is that happy little superhero guy at the top of this post! So what are you waiting for? Take this four question quiz and see if your blog measures up to them standards to achieve success or gain the tools required to create a first class blog if you have yet to create one of your own!

<a href=""><img src="" alt="Blog Success 2" /></a><p>Created by <a href="">A List Blogging</a></p>

Friday, August 1, 2014

Day Begins and Ends with Colors By:Jennifer L Roche

Sunrise casts a golden glow, announcing its approach
shades of  blue intermingle amongst radiant rays
pristine puffs of white pepper the morning sky scape
Earth awakens to a kaleidoscope colored haze
Brilliant brightness is emitted from sun's central core
trajectories span splendidly through sapphire skies
enhancing landscape with prismatic precision
lessening in number as shadows arise
Shadowy silhouettes lengthen as sunset begins
pastel hues recede, darkness deepens sky's shades
vibrant hues expand encroaching upon the light
creating curls of color that fall in cascades
Sun sinks slowly into horizon's waiting arms
confident sunset will usurp its position
content to bide its time until morning light breaks
admiring the evening sunset composition
 Text Copyright: Rainbows of Happiness LLC 2014
Image Copyright: Rainbows of Happiness LLC 2014
The words and images appearing on this blog may not be copied, altered, reproduced, or distributed without the consent of the original artist.

Thursday, July 31, 2014

Why I Keep Going Back to Google +


   With so many options available through social media, one might wonder why i consistently frequent Google+ over the other available social media platforms.  The answer is simple - no fake fronts and genuinely honest, caring individuals who aren't just out to further themselves.  Sure not every individual I add to my circles is this way,  but a majority of this social media platform is comprised of friendly, positive individuals who are looking to connect with other like-minded individuals. 
     You may be asking, "Isn't that what all social media sites are like?"
      Sadly the response is no. While many sites begin with the purest of intentions at their conception, something happens along the way to sidetrack them from seeing this vision through to fruitition.
      The creation of intimate communities created for specific topics allow Google+ (or G+) members to connect with other individuals that share their interests.
      Regular circle shares between members allow individuals to share their posted content with a broader audience, resulting in more content exposure. 
     The key to creating lasting friendships among G+ members is to dive in with both hands.  You need to be active on G+ by plussing posts by other members, providing feedback, and adding content of your own.  This is especially essential when you first join G+.  As you continue to make your way through the "Googlesphere" you will start to find your niche.  People from all over the world use G+, and before you realize it you will have found a large group of like-minded individuals whose personalities mirror your own!  Some wonderful, caring friendships have been created between individuals who may never meet, yet they check in daily with one another to just say hi and show they care.
     I'm not saying that G+ is flawless in its creation, no social media platform is, but it does allow people with similar interest and idealologies to intermingle in one place and is always evolving in attempts to further enhance the user's experience. 
     A circle of friends spanning the globe is what G+ creates.  Friendships, networking, caring individuals? Sign me up for Google+!

Tuesday, July 29, 2014

How Friends are Similar to a Bouquet of Flowers

A beautiful bouquet of flowers is a magnificent gift to receive as it contains a gorgeous medley of intertwined fragrances emitted from the beautifully chosen flowers carefully picked and arranged to create an eye-catching display of complimentary colors!  The various sizes and shapes of the lovely blooms enhance the allure of the bouquet attracting individuals to it and causing them to admire the beauty resulting from this eclectic gathering which somehow creates a magnificent masterpiece of natural beauty when completed.
How we choose those individuals that become our close friends and confidantes is very similar in the way each flower is carefully chosen to complete an amazing arrangement.  Each person we meet has their own unique aspects that make them beautiful and allow them to stand out from the crowd.  Like flowers, human beings are shaped differently, come in a plethora of hues, and yet when joined together combine to form a beautiful circle of friendship despite their differences.  Much like flowers, we as individuals possess characteristics that mesh beautifully when combined with the right elements found in others. 

The rose for example is regal and resplendent is beauty.  This flower stands out first and foremost when most people view a bouquet.  Likewise each compilation of friends has someone with the ability to light up a room as they enter, causing all eyes to focus on them. This person is usually seen as a leader, someone who includes everyone in their altruistic acts of kindness.  Other individuals are immediately drawn to this person much like  they are drawn to the beauty of a vibrant rose.

Then there are those friends in your circle that are always looking on the positive side of life.  They spread cheer and happiness in their wake.  Everyone gravitates towards these types of individuals because they are like bottled sunshine!  These individuals emulate the cheerful daisies or sunflowers found in a bouquet of flowers.  They exist to bring happiness and hope to others, and their smiling countenance is infectious!


The exotic, vibrant colors of lilies elicits admiration from viewers, yet these flowers tend to curl their petals as if shying away from the limelight.  Each group of friends includes members that need to be coaxed from their shells in order to be shown their full potential.  These beautiful individuals don't realize how gorgeous they are or flaunt their accomplishments, they prefer to applaud the successes of others around them which makes them inadvertently even more amazing in their friends' eyes. 



There is the unassuming filler flowers that are used to add volume and dimension to the bouquet to round it out and add small bursts of color where needed.  These filler flowers are just as important to the bouquet as the mighty rose. In the circle of close knit friends these are the individuals who are always ready to help out when called upon and never turn a friend in need away.  Their role in the friendship circle is paramount in keeping the peace among the various personalities.  They are intrinsically important as the glue that hold the circle together.  Without them there would be no cohesiveness. 
So think of your circle of friends are a beautiful blooming bouquet next time you get together with your friends.  See if you can identify which type of flower each unique personality represents!  Remember, we each have a wealthy of talents to share with one another and that when all of these unique characteristics are combined, we form one magnificent bouquet of friends!


Friday, July 25, 2014

Nature's Works of Art!

Nature creates for us a kaleidoscope of color on a daily basis with the infusion of blooming buds.  I love witnessing the vibrant petals on the plethora of flowers opening to greet the sun.  Flowers help to brighten the landscape providing needed pops of color .  From the simple wildflower to the exotic lily and all those varieties in between, flowers provide an air of optimism and hope in their appearance.  Nothing makes one feel more cheerful than seeing a sunny sunflower, or a wispy dandelion seed flower to wish upon.  This post is dedicated to the beauty found all around us in nature's colors seen through flowers.  Enjoy these captures and be sure to look for those beautiful palettes of color in your environment!

A regal "knock out" rose

A huge pristine Calla Lily in France

Flower with a lace looking center found in France

Multiple pink hues within one flower

A bright daisy resplendent with water drops on each petal

Wintery white multi layered rose

Macro of a pale pink Gerber daisy center

A unique flower that is colored like a candy corn!
I hope that you have enjoyed a few of the many vivid beauties that nature has to offer!  Flowers really do enhance the landscape greatly making it even more pleasant to view.  So next time someone tells you to stop and smell the roses, you'll know why! Have a wonderful weekend my friends! 

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Varying Perspectives - a Chastushka styled poem

Today I wanted to share a different form of poetry known as a Chastushka where the end rhymes of the first and third line rhyme with each other and the second and fourth line end rhymes rhyme.  This poem is only four lines in total and usually about a subject in nature.  The final line in a Chastushka is written to make the reader think about the poem overall.

Varying Perspectives
By: Jennifer Roche
Photography By: Jennifer Roche
Silently studying birds alighting upon the pavement
my gaze is met by a feathered friend who cocks his head
our eyes lock in an intense gaze, opponents sizing up the competition
the question on my mind is am I observing him, or is he watching me?
Now that's something to ponder next time a bird glances your way!  Hope this Chastushka poem intrigued you somewhat and if you enjoyed it or have comments please rate the post or comment on this piece!  Have a lovely day all!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

The Wonderful World of Water Droplet Photography!

I love to take macro photography captures of water droplets.  Sometimes I get lucky and find some real gems after a rainfall!  This post is dedicated strictly to water droplet photography! Enjoy and be sure to give me your feedback on this post I'd greatly appreciate it! Have a lovely day all!


A water droplet looking like a diamond on a leaf.
Reflecting the vibrant green within the droplets!

Droplets above, below, and to the side of two grass blades!

Multiple drops lining a blade of grass with hair? Grass has hair who knew!

A giant among the masses!
This droplet is magnifying the linear lines of this blade of grass like a magnifying lens!

A single droplet suspended on a blade of grass reflecting the environment around it!

A giant drop and many mini me's along a blade of grass!

A pink rose petal covered completely in droplets!

My favorite water droplet capture of all time. Hundreds of droplets suspended in midair on a spider web!
This was only a minute sampling of the multitude of water droplet photos I have taken I will save others to share another time! Right now it's time to have dinner! Hope you enjoyed these as much as I enjoyed capturing them! Have a lovely evening my friends!


Flowing Free

Flowing Free
(a poem on the beauty of fountains)
By Jennifer Roche
Image Photographed By: Jennifer Roche
Rippling ribbons of watery mist spring skyward
flowing paths rapidly rush towards freedom
Angled arches of liquid architecture
burst forth from intricately carved stone statues

Standing pools shimmer iridescent in day's light
producing spectrums of captivating color

Twinkling tendrils of sunlit speckled beauty
dance daintily along water's serene surface

Miniature stars stunningly enhance this show of splendor
peppering water with illuminated images

Momentary glimpses of surrounding scenery emerge
dissipating as droplets rain mercilessly down from above

Scenes disappear discreetly, eternally lost
among churning waves from the free flowing fountain